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Wednesday 17 September 2014

Antenatal heparin thrombopropylaxis

A randomised trial has found no benefit to antenatal low molecular weight heparin/dalteparin prescription (commonly prescibed in the UK during pregnancy).  Thrombophilia simply means an increased risk of blood clots, for example many women find themselves being offered/given heparin in pregnancy because they have three or more of the following characteristics:

Age >35 years
BMI > 30
Para 3 or more
Serious varicose veins
Twin pregnancy
Previous DVT

The article is here:

It's conclusions are:
"Antepartum prophylactic dalteparin does not reduce the occurrence of venous thromboembolism, pregnancy loss, or placenta-mediated pregnancy complications in pregnant women with thrombophilia at high risk of these complications and is associated with an increased risk of minor bleeding."

"Using low molecular weight heparin unnecessarily medicalizes a woman's pregnancy and is costly."

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